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Writer's pictureJennifer Eby

Why nothing is ever linear.

Life is a complex journey that is full of twists and turns, and nothing is ever truly linear. We often hear people say that success is a straight line, or that love is a simple equation, but the reality is far more nuanced than that. From business to weight loss, love to personal growth, we need to embrace the fact that life comes in seasons, and each one has its own unique challenges and opportunities.

In business, success is often portrayed as a linear progression from one milestone to the next. We are taught to set goals, create a plan, and work hard to achieve them. While there is some truth to this, the reality is far more complex. Business is full of setbacks and unexpected challenges that can throw us off course. Market conditions change, competition evolves, and customer preferences shift. To succeed in business, we need to be adaptable and willing to pivot when necessary. We need to embrace the seasons of our business, and not see setbacks as failures, but rather as opportunities for growth and learning.

Similarly, love is often portrayed as a simple equation. We are told that if we just find the right person, everything will fall into place. But the reality is far more complex. Love is a journey that ebbs and flows over time. Relationships require effort, compromise, and communication. We need to be willing to embrace the seasons of our relationships, and not expect everything to be perfect all the time. Love requires us to be patient, understanding, and willing to work through the difficult times.

Weight loss and physical appearance is another area where we often expect linear progress. We set a goal weight, create a meal plan, and start exercising. But weight loss is rarely a straight line. Plateaus, setbacks, and lifestyle changes can all affect our progress. To succeed in weight loss and self love, we need to embrace the seasons of our journey. We need to be patient with ourselves, and not beat ourselves up over setbacks. We need to be willing to adjust our plan as needed, and understand that health is not a quick fix, but rather a long-term lifestyle change.

Embracing the seasons of life can be difficult, especially in a world that values quick fixes and instant gratification. We are taught to set goals and achieve them quickly, but this approach often leads to burnout and frustration. Instead, we need to be willing to embrace the ups and downs of life. We need to be patient with ourselves and understand that growth takes time.

So how do we embrace the seasons of life? First, we need to let go of our expectations of linear progress. Life is full of setbacks and unexpected challenges, and we need to be willing to adapt to them. Secondly, we need to focus on the journey, not just the destination. Instead of fixating on achieving a certain outcome, we need to focus on the process of growth and learning. We need to be present in each season, and not rush through them to get to the next. Each season has its own unique lessons to teach us, and we need to be willing to learn from them. Finally, we need to practice self-compassion. Embracing the seasons of life means accepting that we will make mistakes and experience setbacks along the way. Instead of beating ourselves up over these setbacks, we need to show ourselves compassion and kindness. We need to treat ourselves the way we would treat a friend who is going through a difficult time.

In conclusion, nothing in life is truly linear. Business, love, weight loss, health and personal growth all come in seasons, and we need to be willing to embrace each one. By letting go of our expectations of linear progress, focusing on the journey, and practicing self-compassion, we can navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and grace. Remember, life is not a life sentence, but rather a journey that is full of surprises and opportunities for growth.

Till next time,

- Eby

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